The Season of Lent
About Lent - The Season of Lent is a time of preparation marked by fasting, prayerful repentance, and generosity. It began in the early days of the Church as a time of preparation for those seeking to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. The spiritual discipline of fasting is connected to our Lord’s time of fasting in the wilderness.
We enter this season full of hope, that by hearing and answering our Savior’s call to repent, we may enter fully into the joyful celebration of his resurrection together on Easter Sunday.
This year, Lent begins on March 5th with Ash Wednesday. This solemn service is a way for Christians to prepare their hearts, minds, and bodies for the Season of Lent.
About Ash Wednesday - Throughout the Old Testament, ashes are used as a sign of sorrow and repentance. Christians have traditionally used ashes to indicate sorrow for our own sin, and as a reminder of our own mortality. On Ash Wednesday, we will have our normal Morning Prayer service together at the Parish House in the morning at 8 AM. Our evening Ash Wednesday Service will be at 6 PM in the Foundry Building (130 Foundry St. Athens, GA, Directly Behind the Classic Center). For those who are able, we encourage fasting on Ash Wednesday.
Morning Prayer Together
On Wednesdays we gather at 8 AM for the Daily Office of Morning Prayer and to pray for the needs of our church family. We meet at the St. Thomas Parish House (395 S. Church St. Athens, GA) You can submit prayer requests via e-mail and we will pray for them during our time together. The address is
You can learn more about using the Book of Common Prayer for your personal devotions here on our website.
Confirmation During Lent This Year
About Confirmation
“In Confirmation, through the Bishop’s laying on of hands and prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, God strengthens the believer for Christian life in the service of Christ and his kingdom. Grace is God’s gift, and we pray that he will pour out his Holy Spirit on those who have already been made his children by adoption and grace in Baptism.” (BCP, 174)
Confirmation Preparation - Adults wishing to be welcomed into the Anglican Church through Confirmation or Reception, should plan to attend the Anglican Essentials Retreat on Saturday, 3/29/25. The class will be from 9 AM - 3 PM at the Parish House (395 S. Church St. Athens, GA). Registration is required. Register today by sending an e-mail to Fr. Daniel. It’s also open to anyone wanting to learn more about the Anglican Church.
For information about the process for our Youth , contact Fr. Bill.
Bishop Visit - Our Bishop, Archbishop Foley Beach, will be with us on Sunday, April 6th.
This is the next opportunity to be Confirmed or Received into the Anglican Church.
He will also be our guest preacher. This is a great time to invite those you know to come visit and check out what God is doing in and through St. Thomas!
Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & Easter Schedule
Reconciliation Appointments - Reconciliation appointments are available from Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week with our priests. This is a pastoral rite of confession open to all. You can make an appointment with Fr. Daniel or Fr. Bill. Appointments will be held at the Parish House in the Chapel (395 S. Church St. Athens, GA).
4/13 - Palm Sunday - 9 AM & 11 AM (The Foundry Building)
4/16 - Wednesday - Morning Prayer, 8 AM (The Parish House)
4/17 - Maundy Thursday, 6 PM (The Foundry Building)
4/18 - Good Friday, 6 PM (The Foundry Building)
4/20 - Easter Sunday, 9 AM & 11 AM (The Foundry Building)