Our Staff Team is made up of a dedicated group of ordained and lay leaders.

Clergy & Staff Listed Alphabetically by last name

click on the photo for more info

The Rev. Robin Adams



The Rev. Daniel Adkinson

Founding Rector (Senior Pastor)


Holly Adkinson

Director of St. Thomas Kids


The Rev. Deacon Austin “Tex” Bagley

Associate Pastor


Sam Cargill

Intern (for Youth)


Dana Finocchio

Assistant Director, St. Thomas Kids


The Rev. Deacon Christopher “Chris” Sieggen

Director of Music


The Rev. Dr. Bill Stanford

Associate Rector




The Vestry of St. Thomas Anglican Church is an elected governance body of lay leaders. This group works with the Rector to oversee the financial and practical affairs of the Church. Vestry members serve a three year term and new vestry members are elected each year at our annual meeting (late January / early February).

Within the Vestry, there are several key leadership positions including the Senior Warden and Junior Warden. All Vestry members are required to be members of St. Thomas who have also been confirmed / received into the Anglican Church and affirm the Theological Statement of the Anglican Church in North America.

Below is a list of our current vestry members. In parenthesis is the year of the annual meeting when their term expires.

Ron Cagle (2026)

Jan Hathcote, Senior Warden (2026)

Oliver Pryor (2026)

Forrest Huffman (2027)

Chris Pipkin (2027)

Stephen Smith (2027)

Sarah Petrovic (2028)

Mid Ramsey (2028)

Terri White (2028)



Leadership Teams

There are several servant leadership teams at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Our hope is that all of our members would serve on a regular, sustainable basis out of their gifting and passion. Current teams include our Community Groups Team, Music Team, St. Thomas Kids Team, and Sunday Morning Liturgy Team. Here is a handout detailing our current teams.

Partner Organizations

St. Thomas Anglican Church gives to and works with many organizations focused on student ministry, college ministry, mercy, assistance, and broader development issues as the Lord leads us. Here is a list of our current partners. Contact Deacon Tex for more information about Serving Through our Ministry Partners or getting more involved.