The Book of Common Prayer is saturated with the Bible, organizing and orchestrating the Scriptures for worship. It leads the Church to pray in one voice with order, beauty, deep devotion, and great dignity.
From To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism
Resources on Using the Book of Common Prayer
Here is a 9 week class going over the basics of the Anglican Church and walking through the BCP. It’s a great introduction for those new to the Anglican Church and for anyone looking to learn more about using the BCP.
Below are links to download a PDF of the BCP or purchase a copy of the BCP. There is also a devotional resource to the Daily Office Online.
Pray the Daily Office of Morning Prayer Together
Wednesday Mornings @ 8:00 AM
The Daily Office of Morning Prayer has been the foundation of the devotional life of Anglican Christians for hundreds of years. It is a reliable pattern for regular Bible reading and prayer that helps us grow in our faith. We gather for a simple Morning Prayer service on Wednesday mornings. This is a great opportunity for hands-on experience and instruction using the Book of Common Prayer. Plus, it gives us the chance to pray as a group and to pray for specific needs in our church. If you have a prayer request, you can send it to and it will be prayed for on Wednesdays. We meet at the St. Thomas Parish House at 8:00 AM. The St. Thomas Parish House is located at 395 S. Church St. Athens, GA 30605.
Feel free to bring a copy of the 2019 ACNA Book of Common Prayer.