Summer 2024 at St. Thomas Anglican Church

Figuring out the Foundry Building Together this Summer

We are eagerly anticipating this Summer together to really settle into rhythm, get to know one another, and prepare for the Fall. It is great to now have plenty of room to welcome the many folks that the Lord is bringing each and every week.

Recently we had a guest musician, Mike O’Brien, join us on a Sunday morning. He made a montage of his visit and posted it to Instagram and Facebook. Check it out! He was thrilled to encounter a “Thriving Church with No Screens.” We love seeing St. Thomas through his fresh eyes.

Thanks be to God for all that He is doing in our midst as we move into the Summer together!

Remember that we now have one service together at 10 AM in the Foundry Building (130 Foundry St. Athens, GA). This is directly behind the Classic Center in the heart of downtown Athens. We will also live-stream the service each week to our website and to YouTube. This is especially helpful for those traveling during the Summer or those away from Athens!

 Summer Fellowship Opportunities

Summers at St. Thomas are always a time for connection, fellowship, and community. It is more important than ever for us to get to know one another since we have made a big transition this Spring and combined into one worship service! Summer in Athens provides the perfect opportunity for this type of engagement.

We will have several church-wide opportunities to facilitate this kind of fellowship over meals including Dinners for 9 and Sunday Lunches. We are also planning fellowship events for folks in some specific seasons of life.

Click the images below to be directed to the sign up page for each opportunity!  

Dinners for 9 is a great opportunity for our church community to enjoy a laid-back atmosphere and simply get to know each other over a meal. These dinners are made up of 9 individuals (some may have a few more counting kiddos) and will be hosted at homes in and around Athens.

Each dinner will be its own event that you can sign up for with a new group of folks every time. Dinners will be every other Wednesday, starting on June 5th. Each host will let you know what time and what you can bring to share with the group.

If you are interested in hosting one or more of the dinners, you can sign up for that here too! For any questions, reach out to Deacon Tex Bagley

Meeting downtown has its perks! One of them is that we're surrounded by so many great restaurants. Also, during the summer, downtown Athens tends to thin out a little bit, which makes it easier for a group to grab lunch after church. 

Sunday Lunch Groups are simply a way that you can sign up to be a part of a group that is planning to eat downtown at a restaurant or possibly a picnic on North Campus or a nearby park after church. You will be placed with 6-8 adults and likely some kiddos. 

These lunches will be planned for every other Sunday starting June 9th. 

Lifestage Specific Opportunities

In addition to our church-wide fellowship, we are putting together some groups and events for people in specific seasons of life. To start with, we are planning events for STAC Moms and STAC Dads. We are looking at some additional opportunities for youth, young adults, and other adults in our church in other seasons of life.

Click one of the links below to learn more about these opportunities!

We are looking forward to more opportunities for our moms with kids at home to get to know each other through simple fellowship. These opportunities will be hang outs for moms and their kiddos and they will take place in backyards, living rooms, parks, etc... 

This will be a very laid back environment with no agenda where we can get to know each other and kids can have a space to play. 

This group will be made up of men with children at home. It will be a way that our Dad's can get to know each other and enjoy a fun event. We are looking to line up one event a month starting this summer for STAC Dads. 

We haven't settled on date's and activities yet, but this form will give us an idea of who's interested and be a way of keeping in touch. Please fill out your name and contact information and we'll reach out with details as soon as they are nailed down! 

Over the past several months, St. Thomas Youth has grown into a vibrant and fun group of teenagers! We currently meet weekly on Sunday evenings at the Parish House and are looking forward to some exciting activities and adventures this Summer. STAC Youth is made up of teens in 6th to 12th grade. If that’s you or your child, we would love to have you join us! Email Fr. Bill for more information!

There are several young adults at St. Thomas that get together informally on a regular basis. This group consists of men and women that are in college, just finishing up college, single, married, working, etc… If you fall into the young adult category, and are looking to connect with other similar folks at St. Thomas email Robert Adams.