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A New Tabernacle Phase of Growing Together
During our short history St. Thomas Anglican Church has gathered and worshipped in a variety of places including homes, churches, and chapels. At various times St. James Methodist, Redeemer Presbyterian, and Campus View Church of Christ have all opened their doors to us. During the uncertain days of the Pandemic we met wherever we could! This included homes, farms, backyards, parks, and pavilions. But our main place for worship has been the beautiful Day Chapel in the State Botanical Garden. This allowed us to “borrow” a public sacred space suitable for liturgical worship. It has been a great place for us, but we have outgrown it! Now, we are moving into a true Tabernacle Phase of growth together as we relocate our Sunday services to the Foundry Building behind the Classic Center (130 Foundry St. Athens, GA).
In the Old Testament the Tabernacle was mobile, intentional, and robust. It provided a place for God to meet with His people. Despite being a transitional space, the people invested in it so that they could worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. In a similar sense, we are looking to enter into a new phase together. We are still mobile, but we want this to be intentional and robust. This is also a transitional space for us, with some non-recurring expenses as we journey together awaiting a long-term home for our parish family. We have also been able to rent a space during the week - the St. Thomas Parish House (395 S. Church St. Athens, GA). Together, these give us a great next step for facilities and a solid platform to grow together into this next season of ministry!
Thank you for your generosity!
In mid-November 2023 we prayerfully asked our congregation to contribute to a special “Tabernacle Fund” to cover a significant number of non-recurring expenses needed to improve the Parish House and transition our Sunday morning worship services to the Foundry Building. Our goal was to raise $85,000 in addition to our normal giving before making the transition to the Foundry Building in March 2024 with the idea that any excess funds raised could be used for the substantial increase in rent as we make this big move.
We can happily report that we met our “Tabernacle Fund” goal through special giving at the end of 2023! Thank you for your generosity and continued support of our young church!
Upcoming Timeline:
Our team is utilizing the Parish House and ministry is happening. Several projects are still in progress!
Continue Sunday Worship in the Day Chapel at 9 AM & 11 AM for the next few months.
Last Sunday in the Day Chapel for worship on St. Patrick’s Day - 3/17/24.
First Sunday & Holy Week Services in the new Foundry Building Space!
10 AM Palm Sunday Service on 3/24/24
6 PM Maundy Thursday Service on 3/28/24
6 PM Good Friday Service on 3/29/24
Easter Sunday Service on 3/31/24 - 2 Services at 9 AM & 11 AM
10 AM Service Sunday by Sunday Going Forward